Wazifa for pregnancy

Wazifa for pregnancy – Safe Wazifa for the healthy baby boy during pregnancy in Urdu

  1. Wazifa is the gift leftover by saints or scholars to spread advantages of Holy Quran in every field of life.
  2. However, most of people grab benefits by performing particular Wazifa. Pregnancy is indeed a very hard period for any women.
  3. Therefore, in these cases, Wazifa for pregnancy are selected effective verses of Quran. So, they are helpful for removing hardship and difficulty.

Wazifa for baby boy during pregnancy

  1. The boy is the future pillars of the family.
  2. Parents that have not that much intelligence always wish that they will give birth to a boy.
  3. However, prayer for the baby boy during pregnancy helps parents to birth to a boy which will become a good person and respectable so that he can become a strong pillar of the family in the future.

Wazifa during pregnancy

  1. Pregnancy is the condition or period of being pregnant. This is not an easy period for any women.
  2. Women carry a child in her for months. This period is very painful for her.
  3. Therefore, during these hard times, Wazifa during pregnancy helps a woman to overcome all troubles and hardships and makes this time easy for her.

Wazifa for baby boy during pregnancy in Urdu

  1. Wazifa is the wish makes by a Muslim to get help from Allah. If a person cannot make dua in Arabic or can’t recite the verses of the Quran.
  2. They can make Wazifa for the boy during pregnancy in any language. For instance, English, Urdu, etc.
  3. Therefore, Urdu Wazifa for the boy during pregnancy is as effective as prayer in the Arabic language. Indeed Allah is the best listener and answered all the prayers that you made.

Wazifa for healthy baby during pregnancy

  1. During a painful period of pregnancy, every woman hopes to get normal and safe delivery without and hardship.
  2. Wazifa for healthy baby during pregnancy delivery helps to overcome pain and hardship and is effective for safe and normal delivery of a baby without any hardship.
Dua for safe pregnancy in Urdu
  1. Waziifa is the wish makes by a Muslim to get help from Allah. If a person cannot make dua in Arabic or can’t recite the verses of the Quran.
  2. They can make Wazifa for safe pregnancy from the Quran in any language. For instance, English, Urdu, etc.
  3. Therefore, dua for safe pregnancy in English or Urdu is as powerful as dua in any other language. Indeed Allah is the best listener and answered all the prayers that you made.
Dua for healthy pregnancy
  1. Nearly every women face different types of difficulty during the period of pregnancy. However, this difficulty is temporary but is very painful.
  2. This pain includes different pain such as back pain, joint pain at cetera.
  3. Dua for healthy pregnancy helps to remove back pain during pregnancy and make her relief from hardships.

Darood/ Salavat 11 times Surah Yusuf 13 times Darood/ Salavat 11 times Then do a dua every day. The time and place must be the same every day.


Pregnancy period is not easy for any women because in this period women suffer lots of pain and hardships. Women can suffer pain and sickness in this hard period of their life. Therefore, wazifa for pregnancy women vomiting helps the woman in this hard time and help them to overcome sickness during pregnancy and make her relief from pain.


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