How to make Istikhara ki dua for marriage in Urdu and Arabic
- Marriage is one important event for people in their lives.
- It is the union of husband and wife for spending the rest of their lives together through every thick and thin.
- Unfortunately, many people make dua for hardship in marriage or in finding the right companion.
- In such conditions, Islam recommends Istikhara dua for Marriage in Arabic which eventually proves to be very effective.
How to do Istikhara for marriage
- Every Muslims belief, only Allah has controls power of everything that is in the earth and heaven. Therefore, Muslim don’t have to associate anyone other by Allah. But, How to do Istikhara for marriage.
- It is our firm belief that Allah has a solution to every problem. Therefore, the effective Istikhara is performed in front of the One who controls everything in the universe.
- Nevertheless, Muslim have to remember Allah in every hardship and beg to help in the face of prayers and wait for the positive outcome.
Istikhara Ki Dua for marriage
- Istikhara is a prayer performed by the majority of Muslim to understand the effect of a proposed action. But, Istikhara ki dua for marriage in Arabic?
- There are many reasons and obstacles for not able to get married to the person we loved which we don’t even know.
- Therefore, Istikhara dua helps a person to detect the reason for not getting married and helps to start a new life.
How to do Istikhara for marriage in Urdu
- According to Muslims belief, only Allah has the power to control anything in earth and heaven.
- Therefore, Muslim does not associate others by Allah. It is our firm belief that Allah has a solution to every problem. But, How to do Istikhara for marriage in Urdu.
- However, Muslim makes Istikhara for marriage in Urdu or in any language in front of Allah. So, Muslim remember Allah in every hardship and beg to help in the face of dua and wait for the positive outcome.
Istikhara dua for marriage in Urdu
- Majority of Muslims performed Istikhara. Istikhara is a prayer to understand the effect of a proposed action. The person can make many Istikhara dua for marriage in Urdu or in any language. For instance, English, Urdu, etc.
- Because istikhara is powerful and effective in any language as dua is depended on a person’s motive and intentions.
- Nevertheless, any dua made from true feelings, Allah answered that dua.
Istikhara dua for marriage in Arabic
- Holy Quran is in the Arabic language, about all the hadith are in the Arabic language.
- Therefore, making Istikhara dua for marriage in the Arabic language is more preferred and more effective.
- Quran and Hadith express all the dua in the Arabic language.
- So, the better way to make Istikhara is to make it in the words of Hadith and Quran.
After 4 salah read the following ayat 33 times. darood/salvat 7 times before and after. After Esha salah read it 333 times. Darood/salavat 7 times before and after.
If you are not getting married please read this Ayet 24 hours a day in your mouth all the time. With wudu or without wudu. You are clean or not clean. Just keep on reading it. For women even if you have periods don’t stop. Inshallah within days you will get married.
Surah Yusuf, Ayet no 86
“Inna ma asku bassi va huzni ilallah”
اِنَّمَا اَشْكُوْ بَسِّىْ وَ حُزْنِىْ اِلَلَّلهْ
Istikhara found very beneficial of those who are trying to get marry with their love of life. But, how to perform Istikhara and what is the effective Istikhara? So, this article is helpful for removing hardship and difficulty in getting marriage they love.
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