Dua for stammering

Quranic Islamic Prophet Powerful dua for stammering

Dua for stammering

Stammering is a serious problem for some people who have great difficulty speaking. They have trouble getting the words out, and their language does not flow. They might get stuck repeating one sound over and over again in just one sentence. Therefore, to remove this stuckness in the sentence and to increase flow in tongue this dua is very effective.

Islamic Dua for stammering

This is a difficult problem, to overcome this problem do this Islamic Dua for stammering


فَإِنَّمَا يَسَّرْنَاهُ بِلِسَانِكَ لِتُبَشِّرَ بِهِ الْمُتَّقِينَ وَتُنْذِرَ بِهِ قَوْمًا لُدًّا

Surah Maryam- Verse- 97

لا تُحَرِّكْ بِهِ لِسَانَكَ لِتَعْجَلَ بِهِ

Surah Qiyamah-Verse-16  

  • Recite this verses 11 times daily along with Durood-e-Ibraheemi 3 times before and after and blow it on water and drink that water. In Sha Allah, you will get a cure.
  • Perform this wazifa till cure.

Prophet Dua for stammering

At the earlier age of preaching, Hazrat Musa suffers from this weakness. He stammers a lot of thats why people cannot understand His message thoroughly. Therefore, at that time Hazrat Musa made Prophet dua for stammering which is in 16 parah of Quran. The three verses of Surah Taha are very effective for removing stammered.

Powerful Dua for stammering

Dua should be the first and last option for anyone if you want to remove stammer. Because wazifa purely is a way of Islam. This is very harmless which means nobody gets any kind of harm. A person has to be sure to recite the powerful dua is in the correct order. Because reciting wazifa is a very sensitive process which requires you to pray 5 times a day. And the pronunciation of each and every word of wazifa is very important.

Quranic dua for stammering

It’s your right to know why I recommend dua for this purpose. My job is to let you know about the significance of the dua. In the Quran also we have many Ayat’s about parents and their children. Almighty Allah said that “do good to your parents”. So suppose you are a mother and you are reciting this Quranic dua for stammering. Inshallah Allah will help you so much in achieving your desired goal. That your companion will listen to you and start to understand your message.


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