Dua for protection against evil eye from all enemies and jinn
- Dua from evil helps people who may feel down or face trouble due to many reasons. For instance, bad eye or magic or evil plot of enemies or many other reasons.
- Therefore, Dua for protection from evil eye is effective for you to be protected from these situations.
- Moreover, it helps to make you energized. We should be careful of evilness and magic and every evil thing as it will affect our daily life.
Dua for protection from evil
The evil is the name for a sickness or misfortune transmitted, usually with or without intention, by someone who is envious, jealous, and covetous or even a pious person from among man or jinn. It could affect children, adults, livestock, and any kind of materialistic items, and the most vulnerable are the very young, the wealthy and the beautiful. Therefore, dua for protection from evil is effective.
Dua for protection against evil
To cast out an evil its not necessary to see the victim, the evil-eye can be transmitted even just by visualizing or imagining or even with a very limited description of the target person for example a person can cast-out an evil even on himself just by imagining or while look at himself in the mirror or even a blind person can cast out an evil-eye just by visualizing the target person or a mother could herself unintentionally cast out a evil eye on her child..etc. Therefore, dua for protection against evil is preferable.
Dua for protection against enemies
Our Prophet (Sallallaahu ailaihi wa aalihii wasallam) has therefore advised us to recite ‘Ma sha Allah’, to prevent the casting out an evil, therefore one should say ‘Ma sha Allah’ when praising or looking at anyone or anything with excitement, in-order to avoid casting an evil to them.
بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ اَعُوْذُبِکَلِمَاتِ اللّٰہِ التَّآ مَّاتِ وَمِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ وَمِنْ ھَامَتِہِ
وَاَعُوْذُبِکَلِمَاتِ التَّآمَّاتِ کُلِّھَامِنْ شَرِّمَاخَلَقَ وَذَرَءَ وَبَرَءَ
o وَمِنْ شَرِّعِبَادِہٖ وَمِنْ شَرِّھَمَزَاتِ الشَّیٰطِیْنِ وَاَنْ یَّحْضُرُوْنَ
If a person is affected with an bad eye or he/she wants to remain safeguarded from evil then in this condition, all the person needs to do is dua for protection against enemies:
- Recite Durood-e-Shareef 3 times.
- Above mentioned dua 11 times.
- Durood-e-Shareef 3 times.
- Blow on water and drink it.
Dua for protection from jinn
- Jinn is an intelligent spirit of lower rank than the angels, able to appear in human and animal forms and to possess humans.
- Quran has also mentioned the existence of Jinn. However, dua for protection from Jinn protects us from possession and negativity of demons or spirits.
- As these spirits are also a creature of God and they also follow the orders of God.
Dua for protection from all evil
- Quran is revealed by Allah to the Last Prophet through angel Jibrael on different occasions. Muslim believe that it is the book of guidance.
- However, Allah put many cures in Quran surah and dua.
- Quranic Dua for protection from all evil can help a person to be protected for the evil move by their enemies or evil magic and shows them a straight path for spreading love and peace.
Every night Darood/Selavat 1 time Surah Fatiha 1 time Ayetal Kursi 1 time 4 kul (Surah Ikhlas, kafiroon, falak, Nas) 1 time each Darood/salavat 1 time Then do a dua.
However, the simple dua for protection from evil eye is to ask Allah to give him protection because Allah has the power to control everything. Nevertheless, Allah answer that dua which have a good motive and true intentions.
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