This is the strongest Islamic powerful dua for laziness
Fatigue is also known as tiredness, reduced energy, physical or mental exhaustion, or lack of motivation. However, It is very common and can affect work and social life. It can affect person office work and it affects studies to. Sometimes the food is not healthy which spread a bad effects on the immune and digestive system resulting in indigestion and weakness. This weakness makes a person lazy. Therefore, any prayer in front of Allah can be effective strong and powerful for a person in such situations.
Powerful dua for laziness
Causes of fatigue can be psychological, physiological and physical. Moreover, Lifestyle causes include going to bed late, consuming caffeine or alcohol, eating junk food and experiencing chronic stress, etc. However, it is not good for the person as it affects a person’s daily routine. Therefore, the most beneficial and most powerful method of getting rid of this is recommended in this post in order to get relief from laziness and fatigue.
Strongest Dua for laziness
Strongest Dua for laziness is as follows:
Whoever reads یَا قُدُّ سُ YA QUDDOOSU abundantly while traveling or during a journey will not feel tired and exhausted.
Islamic dua for laziness
Islamic dua for laziness prayer and Treatment for Tiredness/Laziness:
After every obligatory Prayer/Salaah, recite:
- 33 times SubhanAllah “Glorious is Allah”
- 33 time Alhamdulillah “All praise belongs to Allah”
- 34 times Allahu Akbar “Allah is Great”
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