Wazifa to convince parents

Powerful effective strong Islamic spiritual taweez Wazifa to convince parents for love marriage

Wazifa to convince parents

wazifa for love marriage to agree parentsIf two persons love each other and in love of both the persons, the Islamic limits are not broken and the lovers did not commit sins then it can be hoped that the marriage that would result from such love will be more successful because this would be the result of true affection between them. When some boy likes a girl or some girl likes a boy then the only solution to it is to get married. Without marrying there cannot be any relation between them. If along with love, they even get married, then the love gets increased day by day between them. You can take help of wazifa to convince parents.

Powerful Dua to convince parents for love marriage

Wazifa for love marriage with parents consent

Are you in love with someone and want to marry, but parents are not happy with it? In this post, we will be discussing some important powerful dua to convince parents for love marriage.

Why Wazifa to convince parents?

Most of the parents are against love marriage. But it’s not that all parents are against it. So the question is why Wazifa to convince parents. Those who have the knowledge of Islamic rules will agree for love marriage if the partner is a Muslim. While many other parents do not agree for love marriage because of their own desires and hopes that they have kept with respect to their son’s or daughter’s marriage.

Effective Wazifa to convince parents

Do you like someone & want to marry him/her? Are your parents not agreeing? If they are not happy with your marriage, you should try to convince them in a good way. You can also perform this effective Wazifa to convince parents for love marriage. The method to perform the dua is as follows :

إِنَّ الَّذِینَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُولَٰئکھُِمْ خَیرُ الْبَرِیَّۃَِ

dua to agree parents for love marriage wazifa

  • Read Durood-e-Shareef 11 times.
  • Recite the above verse 700 times.
  • Once again read Durood-e-Shareef 11 times.
  • Blow it on some food item and give it to your parents to eat.
  • Also make supplication.
  • In sha ALLAH you will get success in love marriage.
Islamic Wazifa to convince parents

Are love marriages allowed in islamYes, getting married to the person of your choice is permitted in Islam. If you fall in love with someone, it is allowed to marry him/her. But you are not allowed to commit sins before marriage. You must stay away from forbidden (haram) things.

If two persons love each other, they must get married soon. In their love, Islamic limits should not be broken before they marry. There cannot be any physical relation, contact or sexual chats between them before marrying as they are impermissible. If the man wants to look at the girl once for marriage purpose he may do so. The Prophet peace be upon him has given permission to the boy to look at the girl once before marrying as this will be the source of love between them after marriage.  And the most important point is both the marrying persons should be Muslims. Inter-caste marriages are not allowed in Islam. So you must restrict yourself from falling in love with non- Muslims & performing inter-caste marriage. Islamic Wazifa to convince parents is preferable.

Strong Wazifa to convince parents

Parents play a very important role in children’s life. Without parents, the life of a child becomes very complicated & difficult. They sacrifice many things during the developmental stage of their daughters and sons. As time passes, children grow and reach to marriage age. At this time, the attention of parents towards their off-springs’ desires gradually decreases. And the river of hopes flows within them with respect to marrying their children to the person who pleases them. But a dispute arises when their children select their own partner of choice for marriage. In this post we will be explaining you in detail on strong Wazifa to convince parents.

How to convince your parents for love marriage in islam :

Here, I am listing some of the points on how to convince your parents for love marriage in islam without hurting them.

  • Impress your parents by completing the works and tasks they assign to you without shouting at them.
  • Take care of them and make them realize that you love & respect them.
  • Do not mis-behave with them if they ask you to do some household chores.
  • Do not remove your anger at them if they sometimes scold you.
  • Talk with them in a soft and polite manner.
  • Along with these, find a suitable time when they are not busy to talk to them regarding your marriage.
  • Keep introducing the person you like to your parents behore-hand instead of directly giving them a shock that you want to marry him / her.
  • Let them get a trust on the person that he/she is a nice person.
  • Wait for them to speak out about your marriage first, this is better instead of you starting it first from your side.
  • When they talk to you that they are tensed for your marriage, say to them that “The particular person suits well with my nature. So, marry me to him.”
What Wazifa to convince parents

wazifa to convince parents for love marriage

Did your father & mother refuse for your marriage of interest? Worried of how to get your mom and dad to agree for it? We have some simple tips for you.

If your parents oppose for your marriage, do not start fighting with them right at the moment. Because, if you argue with them, their hatred ness for the person of your choice will still grow on. You will have to deal with them patiently.

  • Keep quiet for a few days if they disagree for your marriage of own choice.
  • Let them think about the matter again and again.
  • When they look at your good behavior towards them after their refusal for your desired marriage, their decision might change for you.
  • If still, they do not accept your desired partner, you may also want to perform any of the following what Wazifa to convince parents.
Approved Wazifa to convince parents

Performing the approved Wazifa to convince parents is an excellent way to change the heart of parents. By making dua to ALLAH for agreeing on parents, you can get the best results. Dua acts as a very powerful means to remove all the hurdles and problems in marriage and make the task easier.

Spiritual Wazifa to convince parents

dua to convince parents for love marriageImplement this Quranic wazifa to convince parents, to get their approval and get your parents to say yes for your wish. The method to carry out this wazifa is in the upcoming paragraph. Follows the spiritual Wazifa to convince parents as described in the steps.

Spells Wazifa to convince parents:

إِنَّ الَّذِینَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُولَٰئکھُِمْ خَیرُ الْبَرِیَّۃَِ

Do this spell Wazifa to convince parents at a fixed time and place every day.

  • Perform ablution.
  • Take some sweet or food item.
  • Read Durood-e-Shareef 121 times.
  • Recite the stated verse of the Holy Quran 700 times.
  • Blow it on the food item.
  • Perform this for 21 consecutive days.
  • Then serve it to your parents.

Taweez Wazifa to convince parents

taweez for convincing parents for love marriageYou can also take help of Quranic Amulets | Taweez Wazifa to convince parents for marriage quickly. After you finish this amal your mom and dad will say yes for your wedding with the person of your interest.

(Amliyat Book Page no 58)

  • To prepare the amulet perform ablution and select a quite & empty room.
  • Take a white plain paper to create a talisman.
  • Write the naqsh on it with saffron.
  • The naqsh must be written as it is without making any mistakes.
  • Read the name of Allah Ya A’zeezu 786 times.
  • Blow it on the paper.
  • Then, soak it in water.
  • Prepare juice out of it and serve it to your parents for 3 days.
  • By the power of this Quranic talisman your parents will soon agree for your marriage.
Prayers Wazifa to convince parents

Another prayers to convince parents for love marriage is as follows:

(Book : Amliyat Pg 24)


  • Read Durood-e-Shareef 11 times.
  • Recite the special verse of holy Quran for 121 times.
  • Again read Durood-e-Shareef 11 times.
  • Blow it on some some sweet and serve it to your parents.
  • Do this practice for 11 days.
  • After completing this practice, talk to your parents about it in free time.
  • In Sha ALLAH they will agree for your marriage.

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5 thoughts on “Wazifa to convince parents”

  • Assalamu a’laikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
    very nice posts. Contains high quality mindblowing wazaif and duas. Looking for new post. keep up the good
    work to please Almighty ALLAH and his beloved Rasool Allah peace be upon him.

  • hi Assalamu a’laikum
    i have a problem that both the guy i love and me live far aways from our parents and they are forcing him to marry someone else but he dont want so can you tell me any wafiza i can do…. Please replay as quickly as possible we dont have much time…..thank you

  • I can’t blow this to foods.because the boy parents is far away from me.then what I’ll do.plzzz rply me

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