Dua to get money from someone

Dua to get money from someone – Pocket Wazifa for getting return or recovery of money for wife in Islam

Dua to get money from someone

The method to perform the Dua to get money from someone is as follows:

  • Take a new cloth and cut it in the form of a circle or a square.
  • Then write this verse at its corners and in the middle write the name of the stolen thing/runaway person.
  • Thereafter fold this cloth and nail it on the wall of the house from where the person has runaway or the thing is stolen.
  • In sha ALLAH the stolen thing or the runoff person will be back.

Wazifa to get money

Two special methods to perform prayer/ Wazifa to get money or lost things back | Islamic dua for lost things are described below. You can choose anyone according to Your convenience.


  • Recite Durood-e-Ibrahimi 11 times.
  • Read the following verse for 111 times.
  • Again recite Durood-e-Ibrahimi 11 times.
  • Make supplication for it.
  • In sha ALLAH you will get back the lost things.

یَا جَامِعَ النَّاسِ لِیَوْمِِ لاَّرَیْبَ فِیْہِ اِنَّ اللّٰہَ
لَا یُخْلِفُ الْمِیْعَادَط اِجْمَعْ عَلَیَّ ضَالَّتِیْ


After isha prayer

    • Recite Durood-e-Ibrahimi for 11 times.
    • Read the following verse for 111 times.
    • Again recite Durood-e-Ibrahimi for 11 times.
    • Make supplication for it.
    • In sha ALLAH you will get back the lost things.

Pocket money for wife in Islam

  1. Islam recommends us to spend our money neither in a stingy way nor spend it thrifty. Muslims believes that anything is possible for Allah.
  2. Therefore, they prefer dua in every hardship. Pocket money for wife in Islam removes hardships and obstacles faced by most of the wife on getting money from her husband and removes hardship faced by a wife regarding money.
  3. Although, it depends on a person’s intentions whether their dua will be answered.

Wazifa for return of money

  1. Sometimes a person spends their money where they regret after spending and give debts to a person that face troubles to return the debts or deposits.
  2. However, Wazifa for return of money is effective in recover money that they are not expected to recover or get the debts that person had given.
  3. Nevertheless, we have to wait for a great time and believe in Allah.

Wazifa for recovery of money

  1. Debt is the most painful burden for any person. It eats a person happiness from inside and takes him to depression and stress.
  2. However, wazifa for recovery of money is effective in recovery money that they are not expecting to recover or get the debts that person had given.
  3. Nevertheless, we have to wait for a good time and believes in Almighty Allah.
Wazifa for getting money back
  1. Sometimes a person spends the money where they regret after they spend money. Moreover, give debts to a person that face hardship to return their debt or deposits.
  2. However, wazifa for getting money back money is effective in returning the debts or money that person had given and have not expected to return.
  3. Nevertheless, we have to wait for the best time and they only believe in Almighty.

Surah At-Talak (Quran Surah no 65) Ayet no 2, and 3, from “Wa mun yat ti killah ho…..till…. kad Ja aa lal la ho le kul ley shey in kadra.” :…………once Surah Fatiha once Surah Ikhlas 3 times Darood/Salawat 3 times Then do a dam (Blow) on the sky

Conclusion: Dua to get money from someone – Pocket Wazifa for getting return or recovery of money for wife in Islam

Everyone do jobs or business just to earn money so that they can buy whatever goods they want and can fulfill their dreams. However, not everyone can earn that much money. However, dua for money helps the person to get money from any source which is provided by Allah. Allah will surely answer the dua made by a person with a good motive.


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